Business Networking

Coworkperativa in Romană and MORE Networking

If you choose to be part of the Coworkperativa community, you choose to have access to the MORE Networking community; it is not extraordinary to enjoy at the same time a coworking space where you can leave your home to work in a quiet place, not in a coffee shop.

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Business Networking
In an age dominated by fast and often superficial information, finding a source of quality media content can be a challenge.

Remote work is a way to connect with people around the world and build a global community.

Scott Galloway
Business Networking
If you are a freelancer or an employee and need to work remotely or from home, a coworking space should be your first choice when thinking about where to work. Home is for family and your personal life.
Aparitii media

Marian Oprea este ințiatorul unei afaceri în ton cu epoca digitalizării în care suntem. Cu o viziune modernă, Marian a creat un spațiu de lucru flexibil („Coworking Space”) care își propune să reunească antreprenorii la început de drum, freelencerii…

Business Networking
Follow Coworkperativa on Linkedin and you can discover news or interesting details about our coworking space with our community.

Coworking spaces are the new office of the third millennium. They offer a flexible and collaborative environment, perfect for people who want to build their own business or work for a company anywhere in the world.

Richard Branson

You can instantly buy access to Coworkperativa through the new Thia platform.

Grup de Facebook
Coworking spaces also offer opportunities to socialize and collaborate with other professionals. This can be especially beneficial for creative people, who can benefit from feedback and new ideas.

Has our coworking space caught your attention?

If you still need more information, contact us, and we will respond quickly.